Friday, April 22, 2016

Two Months

Two months old, say it ain't so.  I can't believe it's been two whole months since I first held you in my arms.  It's going by too quickly. We've been busy this month and I long for a day to just sit and hold you all day long but I don't know that day will ever come.  I guess that just one of the trade offs of being the second child, you'll probably get to eat cookies sooner than your brother did but I haven't gotten to hold you nearly as much. 
  • Weight: 13lbs 2 oz (95th percentile)
  • Height: 23" (95th percentile)
  • Head Circumference: 16"  (95th percentile)
  • You almost always sleep at least 6 hours at night.  This week you've slept mostly 7 hours and one 8 hours stretch. 
  • You nurse every 4 hours during the day for 10-20 minutes.  In the evenings you usually cluster feed from around 7-10.  It's a little tough to get anything done but you sleep so good I'm not changing.
  • You take 4 ounces when you take a bottle.
  • You still sleep in the rock & play.  I keep saying I'm going to move you to the crib but you're sleeping so good I don't want to move you.

  • You're very much in size 2 diapers and go through about 8 a day.
  • You're wearing mostly 3 month and 3-6 month clothes. I've put you in a few 6 month things. We're packing away most of the 0-3 month stuff.
  • You love to be outside.
  • You're smiling and laughing so much lately.  I love to see that sweet smile. Barrett loves to make you smile too.
  • We celebrated your first Easter.  It was a fun weekend.  You got to spend a lot of time with your cousin Madelyn.
  • You've been to two baptisms so you should be a pro when yours rolls around next month.
  • You've done so good at church so far. 
  • You stayed with Nana and Granddaddy for a few hours one night so Mommy and Daddy could go to dinner.  You did good.
  • We've had a busy couple of weeks at work and you've done so great being there so long.  I'm so thankful for this.
  • Your hair is out of control.  It stands straight up and it's hilarious.  It's still so dark and your eyes are still dark blue.
This month has been so much fun.  The weather is getting warmer and we've been getting outside more and more.  You're little personality is showing and you're such a joy.  Your brother adores you and your daddy and I do too.  You are the sweetest chunk we've ever known and we love that God chose you for us.  You are such an answered prayer to us.  We love you so much!
I had to go back and add this comparison from Barrett's two month post because you both bad the biggest smiles!  You got 4 shots today and you weren't happy about it.  It always breaks my heart.

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