We have had the best weekend! We kicked it off a little early Thursday and headed out of town as soon as we dropped the kids off at school (and granddaddy's house for the one that doesn't go to school). We'd made plans a few months back to go see Garth Brooks in Atlanta with some friends. We'd been looking forward to it for what seemed like forever! We rode over with Jeremy and Jessica and Tony and Carla met us there. We got to Atlanta around lunch time and we headed to IKEA. Jessica, Jeremy and Patrick had never been and they had a couple things I wanted to get the kids for Christmas so we made an afternoon out of it. Patrick was definitely the least excited. But when he realized they had ice cream he was better. I ended up getting some new bath mats for my bathroom and I more than a little excited about them. After we left IKEA we checked into our hotel room and relaxed for a bit before it was time to get ready for dinner. We weren't sure where we were going to have dinner and the first place we stopped was an hour wait. We kept walking and walked right in the Hudson Grille. It was pretty good and we timed it perfect to head to the stadium and enjoy Eric Paslay on the patio. I was really excited to see the new Mercedes-Benz Stadium. It is a huge venue! The preshow on the patio wrapped and we headed inside to find our seats.

(I'm thankful for a sweet friend that let me borrow this cute dress to wear!)
I had to get my picture with the Falcon!
We got settled in our seats and the first opening act came on stage. We could not understand a word that came out of his mouth. Spoken or sang. It was terrible. At that point we were a little worried that this whole night was going to be a let down. The second opening act came on and it was the same thing. We just kept saying when we knew the songs it would be better. Before Garth came on they made an announcement that they were filming and recording the performance for a live album. So we had high hopes that the sound would be better. And it was. It wasn't perfect but we could actually understand what they were saying and singing. Our seats were up pretty high so Patrick and I enjoyed just sitting back and listening.
This place is seriously so big!
We definitely got up and danced some too but it was fun to just take it all in. When the show was over we headed back to the hotel. We were hungry so we decided to order a pizza, along with everyone else. It finally got there around 1:30 and we devoured it. We finally went to bed around 2:00 and Patrick snored so loud no one got any sleep. (We stayed in a room with Jessica and Jeremy, some people think this is weird but we didn't think anything of it. We laughed so much and had the best time minus Patirck's snoring). We got up Friday morning and took our time getting ready. We checked out and grabbed some lunch and then headed back home. We picked up the kids and headed to the house for a low key Friday night.
Saturday the kids and I headed to Tuscaloosa for Homecoming! It's become mine and Barrett's tradition and I didn't know if we'd make it this year but we did and I'm so happy! It was AveryAnn's first trip to Tuscaloosa and I was so excited to get to take her. She didn't go to the game. My dad went with us to watch her at my cousin's house. I was a little worried because it was such a late game but it worked out well and we had a great time!
I love this picture of me and my little Bama babies so much. Even if AveryAnn would not take that thumb out of her mouth.
We walked down to the end of the street to watch the parade. Barrett does not enjoy parades. The trucks are too loud and they don't throw candy so he wasn't a fan. Thankfully my cousin took him back to the house to play with her dog.
AveryAnn loved it and tried to run out with the sororities a couple of times.
I borrowed this dress from Lorie's girls and its so stinking cute! I just couldn't get enough of her in it! So sweet!
Before too long it was time to head to the stadium. Barrett did so good walking all the way to our seats!
They honored the 1992 National Championship team since it is the 25th anniversary.
This is our 5th Homecoming together and he's been my favorite date! I hope he always wants to go football games with me. We headed back to the house around halftime because we were tired! We got home late and got up early for church Sunday! Drew was getting an award at church and we couldn't miss seeing him! Now we're gearing up for another week of school and work with a field trip to the pumpkin patch thrown in!