Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Wednesday Weigh-In: Week Sixteen

Almost four months of Ketogenic living, (with a few treats here and there).  I'm feeling good and let me tell you, it feels good to feel good again.  Twelve weeks of consistent workouts 3-4x a week.  I told Brittany I could cry I'm so proud of that alone.  Working out has been a real commitment this time around.  Having two kids and a husband that works a lot are two easy excuses but I have stuck with it and my husband has done everything he could to make it as easy as possible for me to get there 3 times a week.  I feel stronger than I have in a really long time.  I can tell a huge difference from week 1 to this week.  Brittany and I talk a lot about why we've been successful.  Part of it is we were both in a desperate place.  We both were at rock bottom weight wise and had just had enough.  We were ready to make a change and you have to be ready to be successful.  Another thing, and I've mentioned it before, is having an accountability partner.  The third thing is having people invest in you.  People cheering you on.  When people take time to encourage you and invest in you it makes you want to work that much harder.  The instructor that teaches the HIIT class we've been going to has been such an encouragement to both of us.  Since he realized we were committed he has really invested in us.  He wants to know where we are when we miss a class.  He lets us crash his personal workout on Saturday mornings (there are several of us that join this workout and it's a fun way to start the weekend).  He asks about our progress.  He and his wife both are so encouraging.  He pushes us when we think we can't do another squat, pushup or stadium.  He entertains my kids when I have to bring them so I can workout.  He would do this for anyone in his class, not just us.  I think these three things have been crucial in my success.
Now, for the scale this week.
-1.2lbs this week.  I'm finally below 160 pounds.  I wasn't sure this day would ever come!  Not quite the two pounds I was shooting for but every little bit counts.  Progress is progress!  I've got 9.2 pounds to lose before my surgery in 5 weeks.  I've got 24.2lbs to reach my goal weight.  
I know I say it every week, but I am so proud of those numbers.  I don't say that to brag but six months ago I really wasn't sure I'd ever be here.  I thought I'd be a size 14 forever.  If you're not happy, you can make the change.  You just have to commit and get started.  Those are the two hardest things.  You can do it!

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