Saturday, July 16, 2011

Luck of the Draw

This morning Carla and I hit up Pepper Place for some fresh peaches.  I was excited!  Carla had never been.  We decided to watch the food demonstration and they were raffling off two Le Creuset stock pots. 
{Side note, I used to be really lucky.  I won raffles all the time.  The two most impressive wins would be a trip to the beach and a trip to Disney on Ice where they picked me and my family up in a limo and a guy followed us around all night and filmed the whole thing.}
I told Carla that I used to be really lucky but I was afraid my raffle luck had run out.  Well after the the food demonstration they did the drawing.  I said I really wanted to win the blue pot and when then they called my name.  I laughed out loud.  I thought it was funny.  I was really excited.

This is the photo I sent my sister.  She proceeded to tell me she hated me. I don't think she thought I deserved the pot seeing as how I never cook.

Here it is out of the box.  Isn't it pretty.
Day 195

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