Sunday, March 1, 2015

March Goals

It's March 1st.  It's been a year since my brother's wedding.  I seriously can't believe a whole year has passed.  So Happy Anniversary to them.  
Now for my goals...
The whole month of February was a blur.  It did not go as planned and while we had some fun, overall it kind of sucked.  I feel like I did pretty good on my goals though. 
I cleaned out my closet,  I have a huge bag of stuff to donate and I have some things I'm going to try out at consignment.
My sister in law got me this abundant life devotional and I've really been enjoying it.  I also got the "little black book" for Lent from church and I've enjoyed it too.  I'm trying to carve out 15-30 minutes each morning before Barrett wakes up to read and pray and learn.  My sister also sent me a link to another devotional that I haven't had a chance to check out but I plan on doing that soon too.
Cooking more and being more patient were two of my less successful goals.  I hate to cook.  I did go to the store tonight and got groceries to cook this week.  Hopefully I can keep it up.
Patrick and I got to have a date night to see a movie and dinner.  It was much needed and we had the best time.  Hopefully we'll get to sneak another one in this month for our anniversary.

March Goals
1)  Continue making time for quiet time and using my devotionals.  I'm really loving this time.  Our schedule was off last week so I'm hoping to get back in a good routine!
2)  Celebrate our 7th Anniversary.  I can't believe we've been married 7 years.  Hopefully we'll get to do something fun to celebrate!
3)  Clean out the pantry, again.  I guess this will be on my list every 3 months because I can't keep that thing clean to save my life.  
4)  Clean out the guest room.  We've got to make room for our new bedroom furniture.  We're giving our furniture to Barrett for when its time to move to a big boy room.  So we've got to clean out the guest room to make room for our current furniture.  I'm excited for a fresh new bedroom but I'm not looking forward to all the cleaning out.
5)  Spend less time on facebook and more time reading.  I've deleted facebook off my phone because it had become such a time suck.  I really enjoy reading and I want to spend more time doing that!

We have such a busy few weeks at work right now.  I'll probably be working more hours than normal but I think I can get it all done! 

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