Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother's Day

Where do I begin.  I'm so honored and blessed to be a mom.  At least once everyday, something Barrett does will catch my eye and I'll think, "How'd I get so lucky."  I am challenged everyday to be the best mom I know how.  I'm learning and some days are hard. Like really hard.  Most days I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing.  Then there's a day where it clicks and Barrett understands what we're trying to teach him and it's all worth it.  The sweet slobbery kisses. His sweet voice saying. "Hey!" when you walk into the room.  When he pitches a fit and then gets up and just wants you to hold him and hug him.  It's all worth it.  There are days where I count the hours until bed time.  There are days where I can't wait to go to the gym just for an hour of peace. There are many, many days where I have to move the dinner dishes to make breakfast.  I have a messy house and sticky floors more days than not and I wouldn't change it.  I know that all to soon he'll be grown and I'll miss it, sticky floors and all.
We woke up and the boys gave me sweet gifts.  We ate breakfast and then we got ready for church.  Going to church as a family is my favorite thing.  Mass was extra long (we were there for 2 hours) but Barrett did really good.  He had snacks and enough people to entertain him.  After Mass we went to my parents house where my dad cooked lunch for everyone.  My grandmother and Aunt also joined us. 

I asked Patrick to snap some pictures of us before lunch while Barrett was still in his church clothes.  So many times as mothers we are the ones behind the camera so I made a point to get in the pictures this time.  I just love this little boy.  His little smile just melts me.

We enjoyed all being together for the afternoon.  I sat on the deck with my brothers and mother and we laughed and laughed about growing up.  We left there to head home for naps before we went to my in-laws house. 

I snapped this picture of my first "baby".  This poodle taught me a lot about caring for another.  She taught me what it's like to have something depend on you for everything.  She still loves her mommy event though I don't get to spend as much time with her. 
We were supposed to be at my in-laws house at 5:00 but we all fell asleep.  Patrick woke up at 5:15.  While we were getting ready it started pouring rain.  It was so gross and wet and humid.  We finally got there and enjoyed dinner. 
It was a beautiful day spent with everyone I love. 

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