Sunday, August 29, 2010

Saturday Skating

Yesterday we went to the skating rink to celebrate Sarah's 7th birthday.  Wow!  I don't love the skating rink!   The kids had a blast!  We got there at noon, Patrick asked me what time it was at 12:45, it felt like we'd been there for at least 2 hours.  We did play a little skee ball, that was fun!  They've changed the way they do the birthday parties.  Back when I was a kid you had 2-3 hours where you had the party room and your guests could skate all they wanted during that time.  Now you have 45minutes in the party room and the kids can skate all they want from noon till 6 I think.  It gets really crowded because I think they have up to 15-18 parties in that 6 hours.  So if each party has 10 skaters that's like 150 kids of all ages trying to skate at at time.  Not to mention all the kids that are just there to skate for the afternoon.  So it was getting hairy by the time we left!  Sarah had a blast so it was all worth it!  I didn't get very many pictures.  I hate using the flash and it was just to dark in there.  I didn't get a single one of Sarah's face.

Nathan wanted to skate so bad.  He didn't want any help though.  He actually just wanted to roll around on the floor.
Sweet sisters.  Sarah helping Kathryn get the hang of it! (Sarah is wearing blue!)

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