Critter Control
Y'all, I've had a day. If it wasn't my life I wouldn't believe it!When I got to work this morning my boss mentioned that we'd had a little thief on the premises. He wore a little black mask and had rings round his tail. Well the neighbor called and said he big guy was in his carport. We didn't have a trap but Steven tried to make one using a dog crate and we thought we'd lure him in with marshmallows.As you can imagine it wasn't that simple. After several marshmallows and a beer can we realized this guy wasn't going anywhere. So we got out the hose, that got him moving. My job was to lead him to the crate, well when he started running toward me I promptly screamed like a girl and ran backwards. He took cover in the shrubs on the front lawn. It was about this time a nice man and his wife showed up with better equipment, a really long pole and a net. After a long game of chase Mr. Raccoon ended up under the truck the nice man and his wife showed up in. The raccoon got up under the truck and we decided that he should go on a ride. So last we saw him he was headed to a new destination unharmed.Here he is enjoying his afternoon beer.
Day 359
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