Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Brain dump

Random thoughts for the week

Patrick has been on day shift since Barrett was 8 weeks old.  He's having to rotate to second shift next week and I am not looking forward to it.  He'll work from 2:00 in the afternoon till 10:00 at night and I hate it.  I've gotten so used to him being here in the afternoons to entertain Barrett when he's in his fussy time.  We'll make it but it won't be fun.
For years my sister and I have wanted to go to the American Girl store for our birthday.  Well this year is our year.  We're going this weekend and I'm so excited.  I dug Molly and Samantha out to get them looking their best for the occasion.  I'm sure people will think we are nuts bringing our 20 year old dolls to brunch, I don't really care though.

Over a year ago we took a little trip to IKEA and I bought a bunch of picture frames for $50 and I was thrilled with my purchase but never did anything with them.  I knew I wanted them for either this long hall or going down our stairs.  We settled on the long hall and Patrick got to work. Now I just need to put some pictures in them.

I usually dress Barrett like a total baby.  My mom bought these cute shorts and collared shirt for him for Easter and he's just now able to wear them. (They're size 6 month but still a little big)  I thought he looked so cute but I still love for him to look like a baby because he's got his whole life to wear collared shirts.  He's not going to wear a bubble for long.
(Please ignore how good I look)
This is Barrett's newest face.  We call it his "old man face".  It's hilarious.  He does it all the time. It cracks me up!
In other news, Patrick and I (more so me, Patrick can't quit the Dew.) have removed soda and fried foods from our diet.  It was getting out of hand the number of French fries I was eating on a daily basis and it needed to stop.  I'm more of an all or nothing kind of person.  I struggle with moderation so elimination was my best bet.  It's sad, I miss my fries, but it's for the better.

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