Wednesday, December 25, 2013

12 Months

One Year Old.  How can it be?  One whole year since they placed you in my arms for the first time.  I can say without a doubt that this has been the best year of my life.  I have loved every minute of watching you grow.  From my tiny newborn that loved to be snuggled to watching you roll and sit and eventually crawl.  Now you're pulling up everywhere and it won't be long till you're walking and running.  I'd be lying if I said it didn't all happen a little too fast.  Luckily for me you still like to snuggle and be held.  You have the sweetest personality and love to smile.  We love to hear your sweet laugh.

  • You weigh around 20lbs even (25th percentile)
  • You're still around 281/4" long (5th percentile)
  • Head circumference 18" (50th percentile)
  • Your eyes are still blue 
  • Your hair is darker than blonde but lighter than brown. :)
  • It still doesn't always lay down.  The front lays down but the back, not so much! 

  • You're wearing mostly 6-9 or 6-12 month play clothes and 12 month dress clothes.
  • Still wearing a size 3 diaper but I think we've bought our last box.  It'll be size 4 the next time we buy.
  • You started pulling up about 2 weeks ago and you pull up on everything.  
  • You can crawl so fast now.  You tried to climb the stairs in the basement this week.
  • You love doors.  You love to swing them open and shut them. 

  • Ally is still your favorite family member.  She loves feeding time.  In fact if we've eaten dinner somewhere else when we get home she runs to your high chair and barks like we forgot to feed you.
  • You love to get her toys from her.
  • You can throw her ball for her. 

  • You eat everything that we eat.  Your favorites are green beans and chicken fingers.  We've been eating like crap lately but you still get mostly fruits and veggies.  You love mandarin oranges too.
  • You're still taking 3 bottles a day (I'm pretty sure you're supposed to be off the bottle by now but I'm not really worried about it.)  One 6oz in the morning, one 8oz at lunch and another 6oz before bed.
  • You eat breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • You love cheerios

  • Still not saying any words.  You make a lot of noise but no actual words.
  • You have eight teeth!
  • You love anything that makes noise.  
  • Still love Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 

  • We took you to see Santa this month and you weren't a fan!
  • You love bath time.  We've got you a few toys and you just splash and splash
  • You're still sleeping great. Usually 11 hours at night.
  • You usually take either one 2.5 hour nap or tow 1 hour naps. 

  • We celebrated your birthday last week with an adorable party.  It was so much fun!
  • You wave all the time but not on command and not to anyone.
  • You love my earrings.  When I'm holding you you'll turn my head so you can see them.  

You'll never know how loved you are.  You have changed my life in so many ways that I could have never imagined.  I feel like I'm a better version of myself as your mother.  I can't explain it really.  I just want you to be the best person you can be and I know that you're going to learn that from me.  Thank you for making me a better person.  As I reflect on the last 12 months I am overcome with joy.  We've had a lot of fun together.  There's been some tough times too but overall it has been a blast!  I love getting to experience ordinary things through your eyes.  It makes everything new again.  Sweet baby, thank you for making me a mom.  I love you to the moon and back.
Happy 1st Birthday!
Love, Mom

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