Sunday, April 30, 2017

Park Day

We've had a fun week around here.  I want to blog more than once a week but truth be told there just isn't enough going around for more posts.
For Easter, Patrick's mom gave us these popsicle molds.   Barrett was so excited to try them out. (and then I didn't even get his picture enjoying one.)  Sister thoroughly enjoyed hers.

I can't handle the cuteness here.  Those glasses own me, too bad she won't keep them on for more than two seconds.
This big boy loves his glasses and needs them every time he's outside.

Donut Friday!! She nearly jumped out of my arms to point to that sprinkle one in the case. 
Saturday was "Park Day" at the ball park and our game was at 9:00.  Sister was not thrilled with the game time.  I had to wake her up at 8:15 and she mean mugged the whole time we were there.

This boy did so good.  He asked everyday last week if it was time for his game.  He has really enjoyed playing and he's already talking about next year. 

Something that I never expected is how much I enjoy watching Patrick with the boys.  We have a parent "coach" each base at this age and he's usually out there on second base and it is so sweet watching him high five each player as they come around. 

After the game we went over and let Barrett play games and bounce in the bounce houses.  We grabbed some lunch from the concession stand before we headed home. These BBQ nachos were so good.  They weren't as good as Big Bad Wolf in Tuscaloosa but they were good.  We came home and put AveryAnn down for a nap.  I had to head back to the park around 1:00 to work our team booth.  It was a hot, fun day.  We've only got 2 more games left this season. 
Sunday we got up and went to church.  The weather was supposed to get bad so we came home and watched movies.  Barrett asked to put on pajamas when he took off his church clothes.  I'm not sure if I should be proud or not.  We've watched The Secret Life of Pets 3 times in 24 hours.  It's Barrett's new favorite movie.  Tonight AveryAnn said "Mama", "Dada" and "Bubba" when asked.  She was so proud but I think Barrett might have been the most proud.  He really wants her to say Barrett but we told him that was a little hard for her to learn right now so we started with "bubba".  It's been a great weekend.  We're ready to tackle another week!

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