Thursday, May 12, 2011

Thursday Weigh In

Weight Loss Challenge

It's Thursday!  Only one more day till the weekend.  I weighed in for the first time in about two weeks.  It has been a crazy two weeks to say the least.  I have learned that I am in fact an emotional eater.  I've know this for a while but these last two weeks have really opened my eyes.  I eat when I'm happy and sad or when I'm stressed or bored. 

Day 131
Exactly the same as last post.  I'm not complaining considering we've had Easter, a major natural disaster, Mother's Day and two birthday parties. 
I have started using the Myfitnesspal app to help track calories.  It's taking me a while to get adjusted to counting every single calorie but it's really opening my eyes to everything I consume.  Bootcamp is kicking my tail.   I ran a 9:21 mile Tuesday night.  It wasn't my best but I was proud.  It was about a minute quicker than two months ago.  I've dropped my mile time by three minutes since last June. 
I can't wait to see everyone's progress!  I've missed yall these last two weeks!

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