Thursday, November 28, 2013


Happy Thanksgiving!

A few things I'm thankful for this year.
I'm thankful for that extra stocking hanging on the mantle.

I'm thankful that this sweet blur of a pup has adjusted so well to being a big sister.

I'm thankful for family.
I'm thankful for this sweet man that works so hard for our family so I can work part time and enjoy this time with our son.

I'm thankful for this sweet boy.  For his health and laid back personality.  I just love him so much.
I'm thankful for sweet friends.  I'm so blessed with friends that are always there when you need them. 

I'm thankful for our warm home and full hearts.  We have been blessed and not a day goes by that I don't stop to thank God for blessing my family even if you struggle to see it some days.   
I hope you all have a wonderful day full of food, family and fun!

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