Monday, August 31, 2015

14 Weeks

How Far Along: 14 weeks, Hello 2nd trimester! :)
Size of baby: Navel orange
Maternity Clothes: Jeans, yes, I can still get away with some of my elastic waist pants and shorts.  I haven't had to wear tops yet.  Most of my tops are flowy enough that they work just fine.
Gender: I think boy but we'll know for sure in a couple of weeks.
Movement: Not yet, I can't wait though.
Sleep: HA! Barrett slept good for a couple of nights then woke up about 4 times last night, luckily Patrick got up with him.  But I still didn't sleep well.  Here's to hoping we get to sleep through the night soon.
What I miss:  Feeling like myself.  Having energy and not feeling sick all the time.
Cravings: Fresh fruit and anything spicy.
Symptoms: Exhaustion and nausea.
Best Moment this week: Saying goodbye to the first trimester.  We have so much to do but I'm so ready to meet this baby.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

The Horton House Daily: Week 34

Week 34 has come and gone...lets see what we were up to.
Day 231:  Barrett is really in to Mr. Potato Head these days.  I love it.  

Day 232:  We had a quiet night at home celebrating Patrick's 34th birthday.  Barrett always asks for a balloon at the store and I always say no.  So I surprised them with one for Patrick's birthday.  
Day 233:  Barrett and I went to watch Harper cheer and Porter play football.  We've been watching preseason NFL and replays of college games from last year and he's been really into the games.  He could not take his eyes off the cheerleaders while they were practicing.  It was so funny.
Day 234:  This boy loves his bike.
Day 235:  A little sample of what we've been working n lately at the office.
Day 236:  It was so pretty so I moved my office outside and Barrett thought it was the greatest thing ever.  Only bad thing is now he thinks we should be outside all day everyday.

Day 237:  We celebrated our only dog left for National Dog Day.  

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

13 Weeks

I had big dreams of better quality pictures this time around.   Looks like it aint going to happen.  I meant to take this before I changed but clearly I didn't so ignore my sweatpants.

How Far Along: 13 weeks
Size of baby: The length of a pea pod.  (Around 3" long and almost an ounce)
Maternity Clothes: Some pants, still wearing flowy tops.  I don't want to wear anything that touches me right now.
Gender: We hope to find out September 11th.  We found out this week that my brother and sis-in-law are having a girl and one of my good friends is having a boy.  Like I said last week, we don't care either way, we're just ready to know.
Movement: None yet.
Sleep: Why won't my two year old sleep.  I think we're going to go ahead and move him to a big boy bed.  At this point we have nothing to lose.  No one is sleeping at our house.  I've been feeling completely overwhelmed this week just thinking about life with a toddler and a newborn.  Sleep is the one thing that stresses me the most.
What I miss: Everything and nothing.  I know I'm only 13 weeks in, but this pregnancy has been harder on me physically than my last.  I'm sure carrying an extra 30 pounds this time around isn't helping.  I miss feeling like myself.  I'm trying to remain positive and know that it will all be worth it. 
Symptoms:  I've been sick this week.  I've thrown up several times and I'm not sure if it's more pregnancy or more sinus drainage related but it's been rough.  I've been absolutely exhausted.  I'm sure it has to do with  not getting as much sleep as I'd like.
Best Moment this week:   Last week in my first trimester.  Finding out what some of these babies are.  Celebrating Patrick's birthday.  Finishing a big job at work.
(I'm going to add comparison shots every four weeks.  Honestly, it's taking everything I have to get these posts up each week.  I'm afraid if I try to add too much I'll never get them done.  I think I can manage every 4 weeks.)

Friday, August 21, 2015

The Horton House Daily: Week 33

Week 33 has come and gone.  It was a fun one!

Day 224:  We had a little park time after work.  There was a small breeze and it made me hopeful for Fall. It's just right around the corner and I can't wait.

Day 225:  I've been praying this would get to be a picture this year.  I've been holding on to this shirt since our loss in February hoping he'd get to wear it before he outgrew it.  We had out 12 week appointment this day and we were so excited to announce.
Day 226:  This couldn't have come at a better time.  Patrick finally got me a spot cleaned out in the garage so I can park in there.  I was so excited.  And it's rained every day this week so it was perfect timing.

Day 227:  Sweet boy passed out after church and lunch.  I tried to take his outfit off of him but he insisted he keep it on.  I just laughed.
Day 228:  They rocked each other to sleep.  I love these sweet boys so much. This picture just melts me.
Day 229 & Day 230:  We've been drowning in Yeti cups this week.  We finally finished our big order that has had me working long hours this week.  Now on to the next orders.  I'm so thankful for a growing business.  It's crazy how much we've grown in the last year.
We're so ready for Fall!  Looking forward to a few more weeks of summer fun and then bring on the scarves, boots, sweaters and pumpkins.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Sunshine after the Storms

As you all know 2015 didn't start all that great for us.  It seemed like we were dealt one blow after another for 6 months.  Things weren't all bad of course, but we couldn't seem to shake the black cloud that had been hanging over us.  A friend told me "The storms make you stronger and the blessings that flow from them shine even brighter.".  I've carried that with me all year knowing that everything is made perfect in His timing.  While I couldn't see it at the time I had faith that He knew what He was doing.  
And boy did He.
We're so excited to welcome Baby #2 in February!!!
The timing of this pregnancy couldn't have been more perfect.  I get to be pregnant with my sister-in-law and two of my good friends.  Our business has boomed and we've been swamped over the last few weeks with no signs of letting up.  If I had been as pregnant as I would have been with a September due date, there's no way I could have gotten it all done.  In February, when we were going through the miscarriage all I could think about was the negative side, I couldn't see that there was something better planned.  If I had not lost that baby Patrick would still be at a job he hated.  He would have never switched jobs with the insurance changes and that sort of thing during the pregnancy.  He's just too practical.  After the loss he started looking more intently for a new job and he started on May 4th.  This job has been such a blessing.  He's working 4 days a week making as much as he was working 7 days at the other job.  He will eventually go to a swing shift but for now he's been off every weekend.  We've had the best summer as a family.  It was just what we needed before we added to our family.  I look at Barrett all the time and he's at such a sweet funny age that I know I would have missed so much of if I'd had a baby to care for.  I found out I was pregnant and our new insurance kicked in the week I turned 7 weeks, talk about perfect timing.  
I found out I was pregnant the day before Father's day.  The weekend before that we went to the Garth Brooks concert with a bunch of friends and had the best time.   I had a complete ugly cry moment when he played "Unanswered Prayers".  I was sobbing and then I was laughing because I was crying and I couldn't stop.  I was like what is wrong with me.  Patrick was mortified.  My friend Carla was like you have got to get it together.  I just laughed because I knew it was ridiculous but I could not stop. This should have probably been a clue that something was up but it never crossed my mind.  I got a positive test the day before Father's day but I really wanted to wait until Father's day to tell Patrick so I didn't tell anyone.  That we went swimming at Jeremy and Jessica's house and I pretended to drink and was paranoid that everyone knew.  They didn't.  Then I had a little bit of an outburst when the boys wouldn't nap and they needed a nap and Patrick wasn't helping me like I thought he should.  I was like "WE"RE LEAVING!"  and made a big scene.  We left and Barrett slept in the car for a while and we went back.  We all just laughed. 
We planned on waiting until after our first ultrasound before we were going to tell anyone.  HA!  We told Hope and John immediately because we'd been on this roller coaster together and she was pregnant so I knew she'd be excited!  We did good for about a week.  Then we had a girls night where they were serving sangria.  I had to tell Brittany so she could help me hide it.  The next night Patrick and Jeremy went to a concert together and Patrick spilled it to him.  He said it was because we're planning to go to Disney next year and he needed to know that we'd now be also taking a baby.  Turns out it was because they were throwing me a surprise party and he needed to know I couldn't drink.  So then I told Jessica.  The next week my friends Amy texted me to see if I could make her boys "Big brother" shirts.  So I had to tell her I was pregnant too.  Then my friend Anna texted me and was so sweet because I could tell she didn't want to tell me she was pregnant.  I've vented to her a lot about the sadness of the miscarriage so she didn't want to hurt my feelings.  So I had to tell her that I was pregnant too.  So we're up to about 10 people and we still haven't told our parents or family.  We went to the lake for the 4th of July and that week I was having a lot of sciatic pain and could barely walk.  Everyone noticed I wasn't drinking but the only person that would say anything was my cousins wife.  So I told her.  If anyone else had asked I would have told them too.  Then we had my surprise party and I just knew it was going to get spilled then.  About half the people knew and the other half (that was our family) didn't.  Brittany and Jessica got me a cup that you couldn't see what I was drinking so no one could tell that I wasn't drinking.  We had our first ultrasound the next Friday and everything looked good so we told out families.  Mine just laughed because they had all figured it out anyway.  Patrick's parents were surprised.  We've laughed and called it the worst kept secret.  We had out 12 week appointment Friday and got to hear the baby's heartbeart.  We're so excited to be on the journey again.  I plan to do weekly updates like I did with Barrett.  Looking forward to having this all to look back on.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

12 Weeks

How Far Along: 12 weeks
Size of baby: a lime
Maternity Clothes: Some maternity jeans, most everything else is my regular clothes.  I feel huge already though.  I do not feel the pretty glow like I did the first time around.  Hopefully it'll come.
Gender: Don't know yet.  Can't decided when we want to find out.  I'm already tired of hearing people say they hope its a girl.  I feel like people are going to be disappointed if its another boy.  We don't care either way.  
Movement: None yet.
Sleep: Can't get enough.  Barrett hasn't been sleeping good so getting up with him 2 and 3 times does not make for a good nights sleep.
What I miss: I'm trying to not miss anything but I miss summer drinks by the pool.  I miss my energy. I miss wearing anything in my closet.
Cravings: None this week.   One night around 8 weeks I woke up craving roast and potatoes so badly that I couldn't sleep.  It was so weird.
Symptoms: No energy, some nausea.
Best Moment this week: 12 week appointment.  Finally telling everyone.  I have several friends pregnant and due around the same time so that's been really fun.  We're just really excited to be here.  Barrett is so excited to be a big brother.
For fun here's a comparison . 
I'm bigger this time for sure but I started about 30 pounds heavier too.
Here's a link to my 12 week post with Barrett.

The Horton House Daily: Week 32

It's week 32!  Barrett has had a ball from playing with friends to playing with cousins and missing the first day of school.
Day 217:  It was the first day of public school so BB took Barrett to the splash pad with his buddies.  They had the place to themselves and had a blast.  This picture is so cute.
Day 218:  RIP my 1.5" curling iron.  I pulled the cord to unwrap it and plug it in and the whole thing fell apart.  I guess I'll be making a purchase sometime soon.
Day 219:  My cousin hosted a retirement party for my aunt at his house and we had the best time hanging out with family.  One perk to a big family is there is almost always a big kid willing to entertain the little kids.  Barrett had a blast. 

Day 220:  Barrett was being extra snuggly Sunday night.  We later realized he was running a fever.  We had a busy week planned and I immediately started to panic that everything wouldn't get done.  So far its all working out.

Day 221:  The first day of MDO this Fall and Barrett had to miss because he was sick.  (He missed last year too because he was sick.)  He had a little virus.  I took him to the doctor because he kept saying his ears hurt but they were clear. 
Day 222:  He had gotten to where he wants one of us to sit in his room until he falls asleep.  I'll be honest at first it kind of irritated me because I felt like I had a million things I needed to be doing while he went to sleep but lately I'm trying to embrace it.  He is definitely looking like a big boy now but when he sleeps I can still see that little baby.
Day 223:  We've been so busy at work.  It's crazy how much our business has grown in the last year with minimal effort in advertising on our part.  It's all been word of mouth which is amazing.  We've loved meeting new people and working with new products.  This day we were hard at work while Barrett was taking pictures.  Some days it's whatever will entertain him.
Week 32 is in the books.  So excited for week 33! 

Friday, August 7, 2015

The Horton House Daily: Week 31

It's Week 31 folks.  And to top it off I'm getting this posted on Friday.  I feel like I am really on top on things.  Don't mind that I haven't cooked all week and my house looks like its been ransacked but by golly this post is going to be posted only a day late.  (not to mention I'm up to my eyeballs in yeti cups that need to be etched at work).
Day 210:  Barrett has a balance bike at work and he's getting so good on it.  I've started calling him Evil Knievel because to stop he just hits the wall.
Day 211: Princess Ally was ignoring me while I was ignoring the mess behind her.

Day 212:  Snuggling with my sweet boy before bed in matching pjs.
Day 213:  Mom and I went to a baby tea and Barrett stayed with my dad.  My dad can get him to sleep on the couch.  So he took a couch nap while we were gone.

Day 214:  Patrick has been working 12 hour shifts/ 6 days a week for the last two weeks.  Barrett was trying to stay awake to see him but he didn't make it.
Day 215:  We had a fun girls night in Huntsville at the Dancing With the Stars Live! show.  It was so much fun.  I loved the show and the live show.  We were originally planning on spending the night but It didn't work out for me and Jessica so we had to drive back home.  The drive wasn't too bad but I was dragging Wednesday.

Day 216:  I spent most of the evening reading through old blog posts.  The SEC road trips are some of my favorite posts.
We're looking forward to the next few weeks.  We've got some fun stuff coming up and then it'll be time for football!

Monday, August 3, 2015

The Horton House Daily: Week 30

Week 30.  Maybe one day I'll get better about posting these on Thursday like I'd originally planned.
Day 203:  Barrett steals my phone and takes pictures all the time.  This was one that day.
Day 204:  41 days until kickoff of college football and Barrett was practicing his cheers.
Day 205:  We went to see fireworks at the lake and Barrett was so excited but he fell asleep in the car and missed them.
Day 206:  I spent the last day in my twenties soaking in this view at the lake.  
Day 207:  The bachelorette finale was a good excuse for a girls night on my birthday.

Day 208:  You know it's going to be a long day when you get a fruit snack stuck in your hair before you even change out of your pjs.
Day 209:  Once school starts, I'm ready for fall.  I ordered these booties last week and I can't wait to wear them!