Thursday, August 13, 2015

The Horton House Daily: Week 32

It's week 32!  Barrett has had a ball from playing with friends to playing with cousins and missing the first day of school.
Day 217:  It was the first day of public school so BB took Barrett to the splash pad with his buddies.  They had the place to themselves and had a blast.  This picture is so cute.
Day 218:  RIP my 1.5" curling iron.  I pulled the cord to unwrap it and plug it in and the whole thing fell apart.  I guess I'll be making a purchase sometime soon.
Day 219:  My cousin hosted a retirement party for my aunt at his house and we had the best time hanging out with family.  One perk to a big family is there is almost always a big kid willing to entertain the little kids.  Barrett had a blast. 

Day 220:  Barrett was being extra snuggly Sunday night.  We later realized he was running a fever.  We had a busy week planned and I immediately started to panic that everything wouldn't get done.  So far its all working out.

Day 221:  The first day of MDO this Fall and Barrett had to miss because he was sick.  (He missed last year too because he was sick.)  He had a little virus.  I took him to the doctor because he kept saying his ears hurt but they were clear. 
Day 222:  He had gotten to where he wants one of us to sit in his room until he falls asleep.  I'll be honest at first it kind of irritated me because I felt like I had a million things I needed to be doing while he went to sleep but lately I'm trying to embrace it.  He is definitely looking like a big boy now but when he sleeps I can still see that little baby.
Day 223:  We've been so busy at work.  It's crazy how much our business has grown in the last year with minimal effort in advertising on our part.  It's all been word of mouth which is amazing.  We've loved meeting new people and working with new products.  This day we were hard at work while Barrett was taking pictures.  Some days it's whatever will entertain him.
Week 32 is in the books.  So excited for week 33! 

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