Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Labor Day Weekend: So long Summer

We've had a wonderful long weekend at home! 
Thursday night Barrett went to workout with me.  He now insists he has to go every time I go and while I love using that as my time away, I also love having my own little cheerleader there.  When it's not crowded the teacher lets him "workout" with us.  It's really sweet.
Friday morning started with donuts in our college colors.
Then we had a little adventure to check out the wedding venue for some of our dear friends.  It was a beautiful place so I tried to take advantage and snap some cute pictures of the kids. 

Here they are wearing the same outfit.  Patrick told me not to show anyone this but it's too cute not to share.
Friday afternoon Crystal sent out a group text asking if anyone wanted to go see Sam Hunt in Birmingham.  I'd already planned for the kids to spend the night with my parents and Patrick had to be at work early Saturday morning so he didn't want to do anything so I went.  We had so much fun!  Brittany ended up getting a ticket from another friend and we met up for a bit.  I wasn't a huge Sam Hunt fan but he put on an amazing show (for free!). 

I did learn I'm too old for general admission tickets.  I almost lost my cool several times when people kept pushing through to "get to their friends" in the front.  Finally, I just didn't move and told them they should have gotten there when their friends did if they wanted to stand with them.  And I made a poor choice of footwear and my feet were killing me. but other than that we had a great time!

There was a huge crowd and it was a gorgeous night for an outdoor show!
Saturday morning, Brittany and I met at the GUTS trail for a little hike.  We did 3 miles to start the day and it was so nice.  I'm really enjoying getting out and sweating.  My goal is 4 days a week right now and so far so good!
Saturday night the kids and I went to Matt and Jennifer's new house to watch football!  Their new house is beautiful and the kids tried their best to destroy it.  This is the only picture I got of them together.

He said he couldn't take a picture because he needed to relax.

I squeezed her into this outftit from last year because it was way too big on her and she only wore it once.  It was tight but she was just so cute I couldn't stand it.

Selfie with my girl!

Last year in the same outfits.

Sunday morning I got up and went to Mass.  Barrett was whiney and AveryAnn was coughing and had a nasty runny nose so Patrick stayed home with them and I went alone.  Which is super weird when you're used to wrangling two kids.  After lunch the kids took naps and I went to HIIT.  Later the Moore's came over and the kids played. 
Monday morning we all slept late and enjoyed some snuggles. 
After naptime we loaded up and went to the park. 
We haven't been since AveryAnn started walking and it was fun.  Barrett was so excited for his dad to watch him go down all the slides and AveryAnn just wanted to play on the steps.  Then of course the ice cream man showed up and luckily Daddy had some cash.

AveryAnn wore most of hers but they sure were cute. 
After the park we made a family trip to Lowes.  Patrick got some screen so he could make me this cute frame to hold my earrings.  We did baths and then it was time for bed!  We're ready for Fall!  The weather this weekend was such a tease. 

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