Thursday, April 14, 2011

Wednseday Weigh-In

Weight Loss Challenge

Well it's Thursday and I'm just now getting around to posting my Wednesday Weigh-In.  Let me start by saying I have the best hours at work 8-3.  That being said, weeks that I do have to work till 5 (like this one) I feel like I mine-as-well just sleep there because I'm there so much.  I guess if I had to do it everyday I would be used to it.  It also makes it tough that Patrick goes to work at 7 so I usually try to have dinner "on the table" (we never eat at the table) by 5.  When you work till 5 it's hard to have dinner ready by 5.  So this week has been crazy simply because my schedule is all out of whack.  When my schedule is crazy I tend to eat crazy. 
I guess that's all the excuses I can make this week.  I think my main problem is I haven't been exercising enough.  I'm pretty sure my body is used to burning the calories that I burn at bootcamp so I either A) Need to readjust my diet and take in less calories or B) Add another day or two of exercise.  I probably need to do both but I really don't feel like I eat that much.  I've done better about drinking soft drinks.  I've only had 3-4 this week when I was having at least 7.
Yes, that means I'm up 4lbs from last week.  How can one person gain 4lbs in one week, I'm not sure.  I don't feel like I did anything differently.  I'm only 5'2" so I can usually see 4lbs but I really don't feel like I can see these.  I guess that means I've got to get serious this week.
Any tips, suggestions are appreciated.


Rachel said...

Don't get discouraged! I can't tell you how many times I have lost 2 lbs only to gain 3 the next day.

Kelly said...

I'm in the same boat...I went on vacation to the beach and I didn't do so good:( I have to work really hard this week. You can do it girl!!!!

Muffin Top to Smokin Hot said...

Just remember that muscle weighs more than fat... so if you can't see it, maybe you gained some muscle in there along the way.

Unknown said...

Just stick with it! You can do it :)

Greer's Gossip said...

You will get there, keep it up girl!! Next week will be better!

Love your blog!!

Shannon said...

Keep it up. You are going to do great!