Sunday, October 11, 2015

The Horton House Daily: Week 40

{for some reason I can't get week 39 to upload, maybe one day i can get it to work}

Day 273:  I told him to get his shoes on so we could go somewhere.  This is how he came out.

Day 274:  It was a fantastic Fall day so I made vegetable soup and grilled cheese.  It was so good!

Day 275:  Friends divided.  These boys have a blast together.
Day 276:  Patrick's favorite day of the year.  Family picture day.  Ha.  

Day 277:  It was Patrick's off day so Barrett hadn't seen me all day.  He wouldn't let me out of his sight.

Day 278:  His face when I told him we could get donuts on the way to work.

Day 279:  He was trying to escape our the window.

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