Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Wednesday Weigh-In: Week I've lost count so lets just start over at 1

Well, I'm back.  Life is starting to slow down some and I feel like I can finally get back in a good routine.  Something about me, I thrive on routine.  I do better when my days are predictable week to week.  So now that baseball is over and we're home most every afternoon, I can cook every night and get back to my favorite class at the gym.  I'm so excited for summer, I started last summer with such a dread.  I didn't want to wear shorts or tank tops or dresses, definitely not a swim suit.  I had no energy to do anything fun.  I was miserable to say the least.  This summer I'm looking forward to all the Summer things.  I've loved buying new clothes and swimsuits.  Part of that is due to the breast reduction.  I can now buy a swimsuit that actually fits properly and that is life changing.  But it's mostly because I'm comfortable in my skin.  I don't get tired just standing outside.  I can be active with my kids.  My diet has been terrible lately, like give me all the sweets and carbs.  I've been drinking sodas.  And I feel like crap.  I haven't been sleeping well, I haven't been able to work out with any consistency.  I finally got to go to HIIT Sunday for the first time in two weeks and I couldn't believe how exhausting it was.  I could definitely tell I hadn't been taking care of myself.  I can even tell a difference in my overall mood.  So this is week 1 of getting back on the wagon.  I finally got on the scale this morning, while it's wasn't ideal, it wasn't as bad as I was expecting.  I've always given myself a 5lb cushion while maintaining and I'm just couple pounds over that cushion.  I'm only 17lbs from my goal.  I've lost 50lbs, why is this last 17 so hard.  I'm a month away from the one year anniversary of starting this journey.  I fully expected to be at my goal weight, in my goal size, living my goal life.  I may not be at my goal weight or size, but life is pretty sweet right now.  I'm ready to reach my goal but I'm also ready to feel better again.  I can't believe how bad my poor diet has made me feel.  I'm ready to be back to feeling like it did last summer. 
Now for the scale.
152.4lbs  I'm 17.4lbs away from my goal.  I'm working really hard to get there by my birthday, July 27th.  I've got 9 weeks.  That's 2lbs a week.  It is 100% doable.  I'm getting back into the routine of tracking everything I eat in MyFitnessPal.  I'm going back to Keto.  Because I was successful but also because I felt so good.  I plan to eat more "healthy" carbs in vegetables and fruit but I'm eliminating all the processed junk that bogs me down both mentally and physically.  I'm excited to get back at it, I'm going to miss sweets but I know it's worth it.  I just have to remember that. It will all be 100% worth it!  Thanks for sticking around!

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