Monday, December 28, 2009

What would Julia Do?

Saturday while I had nothing on the schedule I decided to try my hand at cooking a roast in my crock pot.  Now, while I did win the Home Ec. trophy in the 8th grade, I am by no means a good cook.  Sometimes I can follow a recipe and it turns out just as I had imagined but usually a miss a step or two and it turns out less than perfect.  I'm afraid to say this was no different.  I apparently over cooked the meat.  It was just a bit dry.  It was edible so that made me feel like I wasn't a complete failure.  I added carrots and potatoes to it so that made it a lot better.  

On another note...Has anyone seen Julie & Julia?  I've heard it was good.  I've added it to my netflix so hopefully it will come soon!

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