Friday, July 27, 2012

27 on the 27th

Today I turn 27, I think that officially makes me in my late 20's. 
I can't really be this old.  It seems like yesterday I was graduating high school packing up my little bedroom to head to college.  That was nine years ago folks.  I came across a lot of pictures lately from that time in my life.  I really can't believe it was 9 years ago.  But it was and time is still ticking by. 
It's not fair how when you're a kid all you want to do it grow up and time seems to stand still but the older you get the faster life passes you by.  I feel like I spend so much time trying to enjoy and remember and cherish every moment, make every moment a "memory".  I don't want to forget anything.  Even stupid stuff.  My sister and I have been talking a lot about the Olympics this week (we're both super pumped) and we had a silly, hilarious conversation on twitter about it.  It was so funny to me and something I hope we laugh about in 40 years where gearing up for the Olympics again. My siblings and I have some of the best times when we're all just sitting around laughing about things we did growing up.  I'm not sure all our spouses think it's as entertaining.  Moving on, I've had a great day.  I feel like I've wished the summer away (because I have).  It doesn't make it any better that we'll find out what the baby is right at the end of summer and I positively can not wait. 
We had book club tonight and the girls got me a cookie cake, it was yummy!  It was also the first time I'd seen them since the baby announcement, so that was fun.  Our book this month was Kris Jenner's Memoir.  It wasn't terrible but it was no literary masterpiece.  I didn't hate it.  It was easy to read, I think it was written on a 3rd grade level. 
I haven't watched any Olympics yet. I'm really excited about them though.  The pictures I've seen from the opening ceremonies were amazing.  This week there's a lot of gymnastics and I can't wait!

I guess I've rambled enough.
My goals for my 27th year.
  • Have a baby.
  • Get more organized at home.
  • Just live life and love it.
Here's to my late twenties, may they be the best years yet!

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