Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Santa Visits

We weren't sure what our visits with Santa would look like this year.  Our church has had cookies with Santa the last couple of years with the best Santa.  He has an accent and his just the best.  We also usually go to Bass Pro Shops and see Santa there because we've had that tradition since my brothers kids were little.  But this year we didn't know what to expect!  

What we got was the sweetest, most magical visit at our church.  We got to sit with him, without our masks on (he wore the clear sheild).  The kids were amazed.  We were able to sit and talk as long as we wanted and it was just perfect!
I just love these pictures.  

All 5 of us!
The outfits I'd orginally bought to see Santa in didn't arrive in time so they wore there pjs.  I was so upset that the outfits didn't come but the pjs turned out so cute.  The bottom of Adler's were a hit.  

After we saw Santa we went up to Cullman and had dinner at Carlton's.  It's one of our favorites but we only manage to get up there about once a year.  It was our first public outing as a family of 5.  I was nervous how dinner would go but it was just perfect.  The big kids ate all their dinner.  I fed Adler as soon as we sat down and then she sat in her carseat and just watched us.  She got a little fussy but I was able to hold her and she went to sleep.  It was a really sweet time.

After dinner we headed over to see the Christmas Pyramid and the lights in the park.  
Dad mode.

These two have been so much fun this season.

We tried to get a picture with all 5 of us.  This was the best we got!

After this we went to a drive through light display.  It was such a fun night with my little family! 

The weekend before Christmas we wanted to do our annual trip to Bass Pro Shop to see Santa. This year you had to have an appointment.  Our store didn't have any times available but the Cabela store in Huntsville had some so we booked a time there.  We decided to make a night of it and had another fun family night.

After we saw Santa we made our way to Big Spring Park to see the Tinsel Trail.  There were so many trees, it was so pretty!

Although the kids favorite part was feeding the ducks.
After the park we were all starving.  So I googled a restaurant.  When we got there it looked like a bar from the outside, so we were a little nervous but it ended up being perfect. 
I was so nervous adding a baby to the mix this year.  I was worried we wouldn't be able to just pick up and go like we'd been able to.  Our kids have gotten to such easy, fun ages I knew it would be different.  Yes, it's more work, and not as easy but its still so much fun.  The big kids are a big help.  They love their baby sister and they just just as excited to take her and show her off as we do.  It really is the sweetest.  

Monday, December 28, 2020

December Happenings

 December flew by in a flash!  We made the most of it!  Lots of family fun.  We made lots of memories together.  

December 1st Mr. elf arrived and brought us all pajamas. 

Santa came by on the fire truck to collect his letters. 

Love this picture of my babies in matching jammies to kick off the season.

These little elf shoes were the perfect festive touch for all our holiday attire.

We made it to the Gardendale Christmas Parade.  

The first Friday in December my parents got all the grandkids to build gingerbread houses.  These are the only 4 that cooperated for my picture.  The big kids spent the night.  Adler and I went back Saturday morning to hang out.  
The girls stayed up entirely too late.  But they had a blast together.

Uncle John brought lots of fun toys to play on Saturday.  

We fully embraced hot chocolate and hot chocolate bombs this season.
I can't remember what this dress up day was but she looked adorable.

The sweetest smile.  Those early morning feedings are just the sweetest.  I usually just hold her for far too long after that feeding. 

She dressed herself to go to my parents one Sunday for lunch. 
They are the best of friends.

My helper.  

AveryAnn got this huge princess tent.  It was a pain to assemble but she loves it. 

She got this snow globe from her school party.  She and Barrett convinced themselves it was a "Santa Cam".

More snuggles.

A little tummy time.  She's not a huge fan.

I'm trying to be more active and I was going to go on a walk and she insisted she go with me.  I really, really wanted to go alone, but she was so sweet I couldn't say no!  

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Adler Two Months


Two months!  You are two months old now.  I can hardly believe it.  I feel like you've grown and changed so much this month.  There's no newborn baby left.  We are just soaking up all this time with you.  Your big brother and sister are out of school for two whole weeks and we're making the most of it!
(These pictures aren't great but they'll have to do this month.  I'm already 3 days late with this post as it is.)

You had your two month checkup with Dr. Farr yesterday and you're growing like a weed.  You're up to 11 pounds and 11 ounces and 23 inches long (70-90th percentile for both).  Up three whole pounds from birth.  You're wearing 0-3 month and 3 month clothes.  I ordered the sweetest outfits for Christmas and they finally arrived so we've been wearing them as much as we can!  You're still wearing a size one diaper but I think this will be our last box of those.

You eat 4oz every 3-4 hours during the day (around 6 times a day).  Thankfully, you're sleeping 6-8 hours at night. The week of Thanksgiving you didn't sleep more than two hours at a time and I thought I might have a nervous breakdown, but we survived and you started sleeping 6 hour stretches and then 8 hours.  We're trying to start letting you soothe yourself to sleep but I just want to hold you all the time.  

We've had a busy month!  We celebrated Thanksgiving with both sides of the family and you were a trooper!  We went hiking at the GUTS trail and Turkey Creek.  I use the term "hiking" loosely but we walked in the woods and you did great!  We've gotten to go on a couple family Christmas outings and you were so sweet.  We saw Santa and you didn't cry.  We ate in a restaurant and you were so good.  We went on extended car rides to see all the pretty lights and you tolerated us.  I was so scared that we'd never be able to leave the house again after having another baby but we've just taken you right along!

You are more and more alert and want to know what everyone is doing.  You love AveryAnn and Barrett so much.  They love you too.  You are grasping everything you get your hands on, especially mine and AveryAnn's hair.
Highlights this month...Thanksgiving, sleeping 8 hours at night, going for walks with you in your stroller, seeing you laugh and smile at your siblings, celebrating the Christmas season with you.  You have changed us all for the better and we're so thankful you're here.