Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Adler Two Months


Two months!  You are two months old now.  I can hardly believe it.  I feel like you've grown and changed so much this month.  There's no newborn baby left.  We are just soaking up all this time with you.  Your big brother and sister are out of school for two whole weeks and we're making the most of it!
(These pictures aren't great but they'll have to do this month.  I'm already 3 days late with this post as it is.)

You had your two month checkup with Dr. Farr yesterday and you're growing like a weed.  You're up to 11 pounds and 11 ounces and 23 inches long (70-90th percentile for both).  Up three whole pounds from birth.  You're wearing 0-3 month and 3 month clothes.  I ordered the sweetest outfits for Christmas and they finally arrived so we've been wearing them as much as we can!  You're still wearing a size one diaper but I think this will be our last box of those.

You eat 4oz every 3-4 hours during the day (around 6 times a day).  Thankfully, you're sleeping 6-8 hours at night. The week of Thanksgiving you didn't sleep more than two hours at a time and I thought I might have a nervous breakdown, but we survived and you started sleeping 6 hour stretches and then 8 hours.  We're trying to start letting you soothe yourself to sleep but I just want to hold you all the time.  

We've had a busy month!  We celebrated Thanksgiving with both sides of the family and you were a trooper!  We went hiking at the GUTS trail and Turkey Creek.  I use the term "hiking" loosely but we walked in the woods and you did great!  We've gotten to go on a couple family Christmas outings and you were so sweet.  We saw Santa and you didn't cry.  We ate in a restaurant and you were so good.  We went on extended car rides to see all the pretty lights and you tolerated us.  I was so scared that we'd never be able to leave the house again after having another baby but we've just taken you right along!

You are more and more alert and want to know what everyone is doing.  You love AveryAnn and Barrett so much.  They love you too.  You are grasping everything you get your hands on, especially mine and AveryAnn's hair.
Highlights this month...Thanksgiving, sleeping 8 hours at night, going for walks with you in your stroller, seeing you laugh and smile at your siblings, celebrating the Christmas season with you.  You have changed us all for the better and we're so thankful you're here.

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