Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Adler's Birth Story


I know I haven't been great at documenting this pregnancy but I'm hoping to do better now that she's here.

It felt like we started getting ready for this delivery on Thursday, October 15th when I had to have my COVID-19 test.  I was tested at 8:45 and was told to go home and quarantine until Monday.  At first I was a little upset I had to stay home but I actually ended up enjoying it.  I did sneak out for Barrett's baseball game on Sunday.  It was a double header and I knew I might not be able to go to his last game the next week.  So I took my chair and sat away from everyone.  I was glad I got to go.  His team finally won a game and I got to see it.  After the game we grabbed dinner and headed home to get the kids bathed and ready for their week at my parents house.

Our last picture as a family of four.  They were so excited.  We decided since the baby would likely be here before 8:00am, they would go into school late so they could find out what the baby was before school.  I was really nervous because Barrett really wanted a brother, AveryAnn was insistent it was a sister and I knew one of them was going to be disappointed and I wasn't going to get to be with them to comfort them.

  Our c-section was scheduled for Monday, October 19th.  We had to be at the hospital at 5:15 and were scheduled to go back at 7:15.  After we dropped the kids off Sunday night, we went home and finished getting our things together.  We weren't entirely sure what the hospital's policy was for Patrick.  We didn't know if he'd be allowed to leave and come back or if he'd have to stay with me the entire time.  (He's always left to go home and shower and check things and I knew he would go stir crazy in that room for 3-4 days.)  I don't think I slept a wink.  My fitbit said I slept 3 hours but it didn't feel like it.  I'm not sure Patrick slept either.  A mixture of nerves and excitement.  We ended up getting to the hospital around 5:00am.  We laughed a little that we were early.  We were ready to get the show on the road.  I was so ready to hold this baby.  There is something about knowing your baby is about to be born, knowing it's about to be on the outside after carrying it for so long on the inside.  As ready as I was to meet him/her, I was a little sad to not be pregnant anymore.

They quickly took us back to our room and got me all checked in and hooked up to all the monitors.  Just like with AveryAnn, I was having contractions and didn't realize it.  It felt like no time at all and it was time to roll to the OR.  I had to leave Patrick in the hall right outside while they did my spinal block and got everything ready.  There was another dad out there waiting too.  I was glad he had someone to talk to.  For some reason I was more nervous this time.  You'd think after two previous c-sections I'd be an old pro but I guess the older you get the more you're aware of all the things that could go wrong.  I'm not typically someone that dwells on the what ifs but I'd be lying if I said I didn't worry a bit laying on that table.  The nurse asked me if I wanted the clear drape, I declined.  She put it up anyway and I'm so glad she did.  I was afraid I would see more than I wanted but it was perfect.  

I love this picture Patrick took of himself while he was waiting.

My doctor came in and I was afraid they forgot Patrick, but he quickly followed.  Seeing him eased my nerves.  It was go time.  It took them a little longer to get me open due to scar tissue but it felt like no time until I heard this baby screaming, not crying she was screaming.  They let Patrick tell me it was a girl.  Here's where I have to confess that Patrick has known what the baby was all along.  He really wanted to know and I really didn't.  Since he couldn't go to the ultrasound with me I had the tech put the reveal pictures in a sealed card.  After my appointment I met him and gave him the card.  So he's known all along.  He didn't want anyone to know he knew though.  It made it so much fun.

Back to her delivery...

I remember AveryAnn taking longer to cry than I wanted so I'd prayed that this baby would make his/her presence known quickly.  Boy did she.  I'm not sure they'd even pulled her out good and she was screaming.  She continued to scream for the next 3 hours.  As soon as I heard that scream, I couldn't hold back the tears.  I was more emotional this time around.  Maybe it was the circumstances of the world, maybe it was all the crazy that has been this year, maybe it was knowing this is more than likely the last time I'll experience this miracle.  I'm not sure the reason, but I felt it hard. 

They let me see her and kiss her and then swept her away to be weighed and checked out.  I'm not kidding when I tell you she legit screamed the entire time. Patrick and I just looked at each other with a nervous smile.  "What have we gotten ourselves into?!" crossed my mind once or twice. Her official time of birth was 7:21am, weighing in at 8 pounds and 11 ounces.  We were shocked that she wasn't bigger.  We thought she'd be around 10 pounds like her sister.  Once they got her checked out and they moved me off the table into a bed they let me do skin to skin during the ride back to our room.  She continued to scream.  We got to our room, they kept checking our vitals, she screamed.  We facetimed the kids, she screamed.  They were so excited.  Even Barrett, he was a tad disappointed but still so happy to see his new baby sister. AveryAnn was absolutely beside herself with excitement.  I was so sad we weren't with them but thankful for the technology to get to see their faces.

Her breathing slowed enough for me to try to nurse her.  I wasn't sure how this would go, after my breast reduction my doctor said I had a 50/50 shot of being able to breastfeed.  She nursed on one side but never could get her latched on the other side.  My nurse was great to get the lactation consultant up to see me ASAP.  I ended up knowing her from a small group I'd been in back in the spring.  It was nice to see a familiar face.  She was so kind and helpful, but I ultimately decided it was going to be too much to try to nurse on just one side.  So they brought us some bottles.  I think Patrick got to feed her the first bottle.  It wasn't long after this that I started to feel bad.  I've gotten sick after every delivery so I wasn't shocked.  

Once she got that bottle she was a happy girl!  She finally quit screaming, and seemed to be okay with us.  I, on the other hand, spent the rest of the day with a cold rag over my face trying not to throw up.  I was so thankful for Patrick and him being able to feed her.  

We sent her to the nursery for the night so we could get some sleep.  They also had to check her blood sugar before every feeding and it was honestly just easier if she was with them.  Fun Fact: I didn't realize they didn't check all baby's blood sugar, they only do it if they are a certain size percentage.  All of our babies have had to have their blood sugar checked upon arrival. ha!
Her sweet doorhanger that her Nana and I made...that no one but the nurses got to see!

Adler Marie, you are so loved.  We are so thankful you are here and ours!  

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