Tuesday, August 29, 2017

18 Months (+1 Week)

AveryAnn turned 18 months old on the 22nd but because I can't get my life together she didn't go for her doctors appointment until today.  This time last year we were going to the lactation meetings to figure out why she wasn't gaining weight.  That seriously feels like last month not last year.
  • You weigh 26.2lbs
  • You're 31" tall. 
  • Eating is hit or miss.  Sometimes you can't get enough of whatever we're eating sometimes you will not eat anything.
  • You're wearing 18 month clothes and size 5 diapers.
  • Shoes are size 5 and 6 (except your sandals that are a size 3 that I'm still cramming your feet into.)
  • Your vocabulary grows daily.  
  • Your favorite words are "Daddy" and "Baby"
  • You sleep 7-7 most every night. 
  • You want whatever your brother has and you want to do whatever he is doing.
Fun Uncle Patrick came by to visit this afternoon and you were so fussy.  He picked you up and you fell right to sleep.  It was pretty sweet

Also in the last week or two you're so excited about your babies.  You say "bay-bee"  so southern and drawn out and I can't hear it enough.  It is the sweetest.  I can't wait to take you to the American Girl store when you're a little older.

You are so much fun, most of the time and you keep us laughing.  You've recently gotten into wearing things.  Hats, sunglasses, headphones, necklaces.  Anything you can put on yourself is fair game. 

If I pick Barrett up, you're at my feet in no time with those little arms above your head for me to pick you up too.  So I end up holding you both a lot of the time.  I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to hold you both. 

This was the day of the Solar Eclipse.  We had so much fun, you just enjoyed running up and down the driveway at the office. 
One of the cutest things you do right now is sing "Happy Birthday".  You sing it all the time.  (except you know, when we want you to).  One Friday we stopped to get donuts and when I got you out of the car you said "Happy day"  I laughed and laughed because it was so funny that you said it at the donut place.  Well, "Happy Day" turned into the birthday song over time and now you sing it about a dozen times a day.
We are all so crazy about you.  Some days I'm so sad that there's not much baby left but watching you grow and learn takes the sting away a little.  You're still very cuddly and I hope that never changes.  I can't believe how quickly the last 18 months have passed but I can't wait to see what the next 18 months look like!  We love you to the moon and back!

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